Wolf Profile

by Bill Singleton
Wolf Profile
Bill Singleton
Photograph - Digital
So the elk drive me here in the fall, but as anyone who has ever visited this park knows, deep down we all want that rare encounter with a wolf. On this day we experienced just that. Not just a glimpse. A surreal scene were we had a wolf cross in the road in front of us, out through twenty yards of pines and into a clearing. We gave chase into the clearing with gear in tote. Once out of the trees, a golden wide open meadow with four wolves scurring about. We set and began the shoot in pre dawn light. After photographing the closer two wolves, a distant howl from behind us began and rapidly became a chorus of howls all from behind. We had split the pack. The wolves in front joined in and the howling continued for several minutes. Our cameras were silent as we all just took the moment in. Yellowstone
April 2nd, 2013
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